Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dream Documentation

Because I should write them all down:

Last night I had two dreams. The first dream I dreamed I was in St. George or somewhere warm and desert-y, and I was with a family from home at their house in St. George that they were trying to sell. (No, they don't really have a house in St. George, but the are trying to sell their house.) Anyway, I suddenly gave birth (no pain! that's strange), and he was so cute and perfect and wonderful. Then they all left, and I was at their house all alone.

In the second dream I gave birth as well. This time I was in the hospital with doctors. The baby came out and he kind of looked like a gremlin or E.T. and he was missing his feet. My first thought was "whoa, why does he look like that?!" and immediately felt like a horrible person for thinking my baby was creepy looking. Then these teenage boys came in the room and started squirting him with squirt guns, and I chased them around like a mad mama bear, yelling things like, "GET AWAY FROM MY BABY!"

I was a grump when I woke up.


Mike + Mo said...

Erg. The missing feet thing is creepy. I still say your little Gremlin ate them.

I like the first dream better.

Clare said...

I've been reading about hypnobirthing and had a dream the other night that I gave birth to a boy and couldn't remember anything about the event. When I "came to" in my dream, my mom and Clint had named our baby girl Danielle. It was weird.

brenna said...

Haha. I love the second one. Hopefully that isn't really what happens when baby comes :)

Carrie said...

your dreams remind me of two of my own. in one of my dreams i gave birth to a kitten and in another one, i went to my doctor for a routine checkup and she said the baby "wanted" to be born so she just cut open my side and pulled the baby out. no pain, no mess, and i just watched it all happen in a mirror (not sure why) while i was standing in the doctors office.

nothing beats pregnancy dreams.

Jacob and Kalli Hiller said...

I've heard it's common to dream your baby has weird body parts. Either Jacob or one of my friend's husbands dreamed that they were having a baby with shark's teeth, I can't remember which one.

Keith said...

Natalie had weird prego dreams like that too. Must mean you're getting close.

Lydia said...

Haha Oh pregnant dreams are fuuuuuunnnnn