Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Belated, Joshua

We went to Colorado to visit my grandma on Joshua's birthday, so we didn't end up celebrating then. Then we had travel and new years to do. We didn't end up celebrating his birthday until the 15th! I'm really really starting to think we will celebrate his half-birthdays because two days after Christmas is just a busy time! We shall see.
To celebrate we just had immediate family over (those that could come...those that couldn't are permanently on our bad list) for dinner and had some cake, too. Here are some select pictures of that evening.
For some reason blogger insists that this picture should be sideways. It isn't sideways on my camera or in my folder on the computer. This is his cake. I made what my family calls "crater cake." It's just the chocolate cake recipe on hershey's cocoa powder boxes. For some reason the middle always falls. I also added some strawberry flavoring and half a bottle of red food coloring, but it didn't really taste like strawberry or look like red velvet cake. It was still yummy though. It had strawberries between the layers, and a butter frosting (I forgot to buy cream cheese the day before).
 The birthday boy with his new toy wooden lobster. Thank you Grandma! (One of the pegs came loose so I will have to glue it and probably set it on a high shelf until he is old enough to be careful with it, but it is such a cool toy!)
 We stripped him down to his diaper in case he got super messy.
 He didn't get very messy. He is a pretty neat eater, considering.
 All washed up and in his pjs playing with the cousins again.
 Uncle Daniel was thrilled to be there, and had a really great time.
 Dave played/supervised the kiddos in the nursery. He also helped them not get out every single toy that Joshua owns...or at least he put them away when they did. ;)
 Aiden chased panda everywhere and tried to get her to chase him everywhere. She was so worn out by the end of the night! Thanks Aiden!
 Like father, like son...playing on their new iphones for most of the party.
Cake Belly

Here is a video of Joshua eating his cake. I won't be offended if you don't watch the whole thing. I videoed most of it for my record and for relatives.

1 comment:

Lisa~ said...

I did watch the whole cake video twice. Joshua is so sweet! He loved the cake and the blueberries. He didn't seem to notice the strawberries between the layers, did he?
Be sure to glue the peg back in the lobster while you're thinking of it. It takes about a minute to do. :-)