Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Speaking of Dishes...

While we're on the topic of chores...
Today I spent some time outside working in the garden. It's so nice that Joshua can walk because now I can work outside while he is awake and not have to worry about him ruining his pants by crawling on the cement or crawling through dog poop in the back yard. He even has some cute little toy tools that Dave's mom got him and some outside toys (dump truck, spade, sifter, star mold, bucket) that I got him at Walmart. Now all I need to teach him is to not wander off and to stay out of the street--I foresee a lot of time-outs in the near future. 
Anyway. The leaves on the daffodils and tulips finally are dead enough to clear them out, which means it's my annual clearing of the weeds time as well. Our yard has SO many weeds. The worst is bindweed; you just can't ever get rid of it and it's so mean to all the plants around it. 
Weeding is so much more gratifying than dishes. I know it shouldn't be because after you clean dishes, you have a clean kitchen, and after you pull weeds you have a clean garden. There is just something so satisfying about yanking those plants up and throwing them in the garbage. 
There is one major thing I can't stand about weeding though...
Spiders--One crawled across my chest today.
On that note, what should I plant in our garden this year?


Chelsea said...

Tomatoes. Oh, and more tomatoes. And maybe some jalapenos so you can make salsa. That's it. And zucchini. And more zucchini. Then you can bring it to church and give it away!

LisaBC said...

Plant what you will actually eat! We didn't eat much some things we planted last year: kale, collards, tomatillos, cauliflower (buggy), Brussels sprouts, turnips, red cabbage (buggy), basil. :-\