Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Busy Day

<p>Apparently nobody has anything to say about any chores besides dishes except me, so on to another topic. Wednesdays are Dave's "Saturday" so we try to spend a lot of time together and work on some projects together (a.k.a: I watch Joshua in the same room/area as a honey-do item while Dave does it).<br>
After a fun 2 hours in the sun at the park for play-group, we made a trip up to Salt Lake to pick up Dave's paycheck so we could deposit it today and pick up my car from the shop on the way home. Since we were making the drive we figured we should make it worth it and do something while we were up there.<br>
We went through the new City Creek Center mall and played in the fountains (a.k.a: put joshua in the middle while they aren't shooting up and watch his reactions when they all start spouting--video to come). Then we went to temple square and visited the Church History Museum, which I had never been to. They had audio tours you could listen to in English, French, Spanish, Japanese, or German. I bet you can guess which language I listened to it in.
Dave took Joshua to the kids' hands-on exhibit (so he wouldn't disrupt people by screaming every time we wouldn't let him play with the escalators or electrical outlets) while I went through the regular part and brushed up on my German a little bit. New word learned today: Buntglasfenster - Stained glass window. We had to leave to beat traffic before I was able to finish the tour so we are going to go back as a date night sometime.
We planned on working on the yard the rest of the evening when we got home but we got invited to our friend Angie's birthday BBQ, so Dave just got them to the point that they can function (our grass is almost dead, it's been so warm and dry).
Joshua stayed up wayyyy past his bedtime and our bedtime should have been at that same time. We are all sunburned and worn out, but it was a really fun day. Did I mention Joshua only took a short nap in the car?

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