The end of the year has sneaked up on me again. I almost don't even want to look back at last year's resolutions to see how I did. I just want to start fresh, and go with it. That is what the new year is all about, right?
Since Christmas I have had my new years resolutions in the back of my mind, and I just sat down and typed them out. I was thinking I'd have enough to work on 1 per month, but so many of them go hand in hand that might not work so well. Here they are! (feel free to skim, I have bolded the interesting parts):
2012 Resolutions
I got some new work-out clothes using Christmas money. (Ok, all I have so far is a new UnderArmour shirt, but I'm ordering 2 more online and some new sport shorts. No more using my middle school P.E. shorts!) Hopefully the lure of new clothing will help me along. (Maybe I should get new shoes, too...possibly later on in the year to give me a second jump-start.) I also got a gym membership months ago that I used for about a month. I need to make use of it again, and get my money's-worth out of it. (See Schedule section) I also plan on looking up and signing up for races to aid me in making goals.
There is nothing like the holidays to mess up your blood sugar levels. I have eaten so many sweets and drunk so many sodas in the past few weeks, I feel like I have corn syrup running through my veins. I am debating giving up candies and sodas for the year. What do you think? Anyone want to do it with me? Along with that I need to eat more fruits and vegetables. (See Schedule section)
I don't usually make spiritual goals. Honestly it hasn't been a very important part of my life in a while. Well that needs to change. I definitely think it will help me achieve all the other goals I have. I plan to study (not just read) the gospel regularly. I want to study by topic and I am hoping the new tools on the website will help with that. I also want to share what I learn with my mother, so don't be surprised if you get an email from me. :)
Get on a schedule:
Since I quit work and Joshua was born my life has been very unstructured for the first time in my life. I think it is affecting my happiness, my productiveness, and my overall health. So here is what I am going to do about it. I plan to go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am every night and day, respectively (when possible). I will get up, go to the gym (See Health/Exercise section), come home, shower (if Joshua is still asleep), get dressed, feed Joshua/eat breakfast, and get on with my day. I can work on the rest of the day throughout the year. Don't worry, I'll keep the blog updated about it. ;) Then there are the weekly events to attend regularly: outings, errands, playgroup, etc.
Do craft projects:
I have several projects that were put on hold so I could get my Christmas stuff done on time, and now I need to just get them done so I can plan and do other new projects! Here is my list of projects needing to be done before I can do new ones (in order):
Rag rug for Christin
Hamper liners
T-shirt quilt
Fire quilt
Cardboard tube mirror surround
Other couch
Only add more when finished!
Help with house projects:
Now that Dave isn't running the company AND working a full time job, I actually get to see him every once in a while, and we have planned to tackle some more projects on the house we live in. Have I mentioned our landlords are awesome?! (In this section when I say "we" it is really mostly just Dave doing the work with moral support/unsolicited suggestions from me with bull whip in hand.) We put in a new front door before Christmas that needs to be finished up, and our bathroom medicine cabinet was torn out at the same time and is currently a hole in the wall. Those need to be finished first, but here is a list of the rest of what we'd like to accomplish this year (in no particular order):
Re-do kitchen with free cabinets from this blog (thank you!)
Replace windows (one by one)
Paint exterior
Re-do flooring in living areas
Turn upstairs hallway into laundry
We have some lofty goals in this area, huh? ;)
I have a lot of crap. Dave has even more crap. It's all unorganized all over our house. I really really really REALLY REAALLLY REALLYYYY want to go through it all this year, throw out stuff we don't need (aka: sort it, donate it, throw it), and organize the remaining items. A lot of it is memorabilia that I would like to store properly (aka: binders, scrapbooks [eeeek!], photo albums, photo boxes, etc.) so that I can stroll down memory lane when I want to, instead of when I go through my crap. It really makes me nervous that I wouldn't be able to go and grab the important things in an emergency if I needed to. Hopefully if I can get that organized, the organization will spread and the whole house will be organized and clean!
I have been on the internet so much less this year than last year (having a desk job will do that to you) and I plan to organize and schedule my time on the internet more this year. I would like to plan a time during the day dedicated to internet and computer and organize my time on the computer to be efficient. I haven't thought through this thoroughly yet, but I'm thinking a certain amount of time dedicated to social networking (facebook, blogging, etc.) and then a certain amount of time on "making my mark" on the internet world. Everyone these days seems to have some sort of money making idea or blog idea or both on a website, and I would like to join the ranks. I have some ideas, but I'm not going to share them here.
Congratulations, you made it to the end! I hope the skimmers got the gist of everything, and that the readers didn't poke their eyes out in boredom. See you next year!