Monday, March 28, 2011

Goals Update

Clean house up and out - Our bedroom is almost completely de-junked. Only Dave's dresser and one small box of knickknacks on my bookshelf remain. Currently it's a disaster zone of things out of their places (clothes, towel, diaper bag, bed un-made, etc.), but it's one room that I can look at and know that there is minimal extra stuff. The living room, dining room, and kitchen are also similar, however the mail and dishes tend to pile up around. I need to figure out a system of keeping that clutter away. The nursery/my office isn't really functional right now because Alex, my brother, is staying with us in his post-mission limbo, and his things are residing in there currently. The biggest challenge is still the hallway (stuff stash) upstairs. I hope to tackle that this week (which I've said the last 4 weeks).
Craft - this has been put on hold a bit. I have been collecting toilet paper tubes to make a frame for the mirror in the dining room, though, and I'm excited to make that.
Develop schedule - Well, I still do laundry every Friday. That's really the only stable thing in my week. I have been consistently going to bed around 11pm and getting up at 9am though (including a few interruptions during the night).
Save money - I've been making more food instead of buying food, and I'm happy to report that we're spending a couple hundred dollars less per month on food because of it. YAY! I'm excited for Spring to finally decide to stick around, so I won't use the heater as much (it's currently snowing outside...yuck). I'm also hoping that I can convince Dave to remember to turn off as many computers upstairs as possible, whenever possible.
Get back in shape - Well last week I walked up to campus to go to the Marriott Center to see Mark Zuckerberg and Senator Hatch have a discussion about technology. I just about died hiking up the big hill by the tennis courts. Then I had to hoof it up and down the full flight of stairs a couple of times to take crying Joshua out to feed him. Man, I was huffing and puffing. On a bright note, that was a definite step toward getting in shape, but I do know I'm nowhere near there yet. On good-weather days I try to get out and walk (or run HA!) with Joshua in the stroller. I'm hoping to run/walk the Stake Easter 5K this year. I went to Stake Aerobics a couple times, but I wasn't a huge fan.
Read lots - I've been reading the book club book every month. I will also be reading more as I have sworn off facebook and blogs except once/day, so while I feed Joshua, I plan on reading instead of checking those.
Adjustments- I'm wondering now if I should add some goals in different areas of my life. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Lydia said...

They sound great!! A toilet paper mirror frame?!?! Hurry and get that done because I really want to see it... =)